Transforming Kettering

University Exceeds 勇敢地向前 Capital Campaign $150 Million Goal

目标是 to raise $150 million to enhance the future of the University. 在9年半的时间里,学校通过大胆前进资本运动超越了这一崇高目标.

在6266位捐赠者的支持下,大学在2012年7月1日至2012年12月1日期间筹集了1.55亿美元. 2021年1月31日,以支持奖学金、教师、项目、设施、学习共享等.

“我非常感谢所有的捐助者、企业、机构、校友和朋友。. Gary Cowger, 勇敢地向前 Campaign Chair and member of the University Board of Trustees. “It kind of got a life of its own, 它显示了人们是多么关心凯特琳和我们学生的未来, for Kettering and for Flint.”


“I think the other thing that was impressive is no one ever gave up,” Cowger said. “我们一直在说我们要完成这项工作,我们一直在努力工作.”


考格说:“我只是想感谢大家,因为大家都来参加这个派对。. “... 我当然感谢委员会和他们为完成这项工作所付出的辛勤工作.”


Perhaps the most significant — and visual — result of the campaign is the 学习共享, a 105,000平方英尺, state-of-the-art academic hub for collaborative interactions and flexible learning 空间. The $63 million facility was funded with $45.4 million of 勇敢地向前 funds, 其中包括来自查尔斯·斯图尔特·莫特基金会的2500万美元赠款和校友的捐赠, corporate partners, foundations and friends of the University.

The 学习共享 is just one of many campus additions funded through 勇敢地向前. Other capital improvements totaling $15.包括通用汽车移动研究中心,哈里斯移动研究附件,查尔斯J. Strosacker Chemical Engineering Classroom and Laboratory, several d.空间, the 第一个 机器人 社区 Center, and the Jane Boon ‘90 and Norman Pearlstine Music Studio and Practice Rooms.


9,600-square-foot 第一个 机器人 社区 Center features machining and designing areas, a regulation-size practice field and eight bays for teams to store equipment. The University has hosted multiple robotics events in the 空间 since its opening in 2014. 

勇敢地向前 also funded renovations at 阿特伍德球场. 

Since 阿特伍德球场’s grand reopening in 2015, community organizations have hosted several annual events there, including the Vehicle City Gridiron Classic and Relay For Life. 阿特伍德在2020年担任COVID-19免下车测试场地,并于2021年重返凯特林举行毕业典礼. It’s also been home to the Flint City Bucks soccer team since 2019. The Flint City AFC women’s soccer team just moved in this year.  


第一个 机器人 社区 Center
Mobility 研究 Center
Funding Allocation
Total 勇敢地向前 Donors

Besides new and renovated 空间, the 勇敢地向前 campaign’s biggest benefit to students has been scholarships.

共计37美元.4 million, student scholarships are the second-largest pot of 勇敢地向前 funds. During the course of the campaign, the University doubled its scholarship offerings. This includes the Keep Me Kettering Scholarship fund, which began in 2014.

The Keep Me Kettering fund provides support to students who struggle financially. Students can use the money to pay for tuition. 自成立以来,该基金已筹集了200多万美元,帮助了243名有需要的学生. In 2021, 41 students received support from the fund. 

斯蒂芬(57, ME)和玛格丽特·切里(Margaret Cerri)在2014年捐赠了总计100万美元,建立了该活动中最大的奖学金基金. The scholarships are awarded to students with a financial need and are renewable. 自基金成立以来,已向23名学生发放了55份奖学金.

“Without a doubt, I owe my career successes to GMI,” Stephen Cerri said. “帮助那些想要来凯特林但学费困难的学生是很自然的. 佩格和我为学生量身定制了奖学金,而我65年前的处境和我一样, making it renewable to reduce the recipients’ worry about the next year’s funding. I am hopeful that those who share this view will provide their support as well.”

鲍勃(1964年), EE) and Marcie Oswald, 正是学生从国际旅行中获得的优势激励他们创建并继续支持奥斯瓦尔德国际奖学金基金. 该基金支持想要出国留学的学生以及想要在国外教学和寻求研究机会的教师.

“I had some international experience in my career, but it didn’t happen until the last assignment I had, and I was almost 50 years old when I got my first chance to spend time overseas,” Bob Oswald said. “What became very clear to me as a professional person, and to me and my wife both as family people, is that kind of experience early in a career could be invaluable.

"So, 当我们意识到凯特林项目已经启动并且在我们建立基金会时它已经建立起来了, we said this is the way we would like to expand our support of the University,他接着说. “We’ve been extremely pleased with the results of the program in general, 很明显, 我们很高兴我们能够帮助学生获得这种体验,并帮助教师也能够参与其中.”

Thanks to their endowment, 31 students have received support this year.


Isaac Neice (‘24, ME) received a scholarship from the Roger Lachele Student Endowment, which helped him afford to attend Kettering.

“This scholarship is really making a difference in my world,” Neice said. 

The Valentine Foundation Scholarship had a similar impact on Gabriel Johnson (‘23, Engineering Physics).

他说:“我无法表达它对我的帮助有多大,它让我上学的压力小了很多。. “... 这个奖学金对我来说是一个不可思议的帮助,让我真正把精力集中在学业上.”

Reading the letters from recipients of the Dr. Hoagland '53 and Carol Hoagland Scholastic Achievement Award is encouraging for its donors.

“They are always grateful, and it’s encouraging to read that,劳伦斯说.

他可以用在合作学校的收入支付在凯特林的学费,但他获得了麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)研究生院的助学金. He said he appreciated that support and wanted to help others.

“We set up a scholarship for scholastic achievement, 我想这样做是因为我在凯特林取得的学业成就为我打开了大门, so I wanted to provide those opportunities for others,劳伦斯说.

他说,他希望获得奖学金的学生在事业上取得成功后能回馈社会, and at least one recipient has already indicated that’s what she’ll do.

“你们激励着我去回报,”梅根·埃舍尔巴赫(Megan Eschelbach, 22岁,缅因州)在给霍格兰的一封信中写道. “When my time as a graduate student is up, I plan to follow your lead and give back through a scholarship as well. I cannot tell you how much it truly helps to receive this scholarship. 它减轻了我对大学费用的压力和担忧,使我可以专注于学习.”

“大胆前进”运动还捐赠了2800多万美元用于支持学术项目, 比如学术兴趣(AIM)和通过工程和科学改善生活(点燃)大学预科课程.

AIM是免费的, 五周, 寄宿大学预科暑期课程旨在为11年级学生提供密集的, academic experience. They attend classes in calculus, chemistry and engineering physics. 学生们还以小组形式进行具体的案例研究,并了解STEM领域的各种机会. 

点燃是一个为期两周的寄宿项目,面向即将进入高三的女学生. During the program, students explore the roles math, 科学和技术在创新的发展中发挥作用,使世界变得更美好. Students also have opportunities to strike up meaningful relationships with female mentors.

In addition to program support, 勇敢地向前 also funded an endowed professorship. In 2015, 洛什家族商业和工程管理教授的设立是为了专注于科学, 技术, engineering and math (STEM), 和业务.

In 2012, 大学要求其利益相关者帮助它大胆地走向未来,他们也做出了回应. The 勇敢地向前 Capital Campaign is the largest in the history of Kettering. It has already opened new opportunities for students with many more to come. The only thing left to say is thank you.


On average, 90% of AIM students enrolled at Kettering since 2011 have graduated.


We are grateful to the members of the 勇敢地向前 Campaign Committee, led by Dr. Gary Cowger '70, chair. Their efforts contributed significantly to the campaign's success.

勇敢地向前 Thank You